View Full Version : SRB2 2.1 slated to be released in two weeks

March 4th, 2014, 14:26
<XSpeedGodX> https://mb.srb2.org/showthread.php?p=741164#post741164 <-- WAIT WAIT WAIT...WHAT?
<Torgo> huh
<XSpeedGodX> 2.1.x?
<XSpeedGodX> Does that mean 2.1 will be released before the oldc?
<Prime_2> It's delayed, actually
<XSpeedGodX> Swear to god
<Prime_2> No joke, it really is
<Prime_2> it's a dick move, and we apologize for sending the wrong message with the re-opening of the OLDC.
<Prime_2> It just turns out that we couldn't stick to our original schedule of releasing 2.1 when it's done... we have to wait for about 2 weeks or so until after it's done to release, as it turns out
<Prime_2> by the way, 2.1 is coming out in 2 weeks
<XSpeedGodX> I guess I'll enter the oldc if time permits
<XSpeedGodX> Wait, seriously Prime_2 ?
<MrMystery> oh you cockteases
<RosyPie> ...wait what
<XSpeedGodX> I'm going to save that text
<MrMystery> final destination
<Badz> I mostly wonder why you'd need a 2 week delay
<Prime_2> testing
<Mystic> The game is "done"
<Mystic> We have to test it
<Torgo> Does 2.1 work better in win8?
<Mystic> for a given definition of "work"
<Mystic> Not any better, no
<Prime_2> You have options though
<Prime_2> 720p windowed mode sidesteps some of windows 8's issues
<Torgo> 720p windowed?
<Iceman404> This is the FIRST time you've kept up to your 'it'll be out soon' word
<Torgo> whaaaaaaaaaaa
<Iceman404> I HOPE it's out when you say it will be :V
<MrMystery> huh?
<Prime_2> Yeah, we've had that for a while now
<Iceman404> Because I'm very proud right now
<MrMystery> I thought it was just 3x windowed?
<Torgo> yeah probably
<MrMystery> ok then
<XSpeedGodX> Should we start map making now
<XSpeedGodX> ?
<XSpeedGodX> Or wait until 2.1 is released for the new features
<Prime_2> well it's off of 720p in the weird way that SRB2 generally is in resolutions, but yeah
<Torgo> man
<Prime_2> maps are fairly easy to port, just some gravflip stuff and linedefs that reference sounds, sprites, and states have to be changed, along with swapping out upsidedown springs/spikes for gravflipped spikes/springs
<Prime_2> IIRC
<MrMystery> so that's it then? 2 weeks?
<Mystic> plus or minus a week, yeah, MrMystery



Discuss! SRB2 2.1...is actually going to be released!

March 4th, 2014, 16:11

I can't take this in

I just can't.

March 4th, 2014, 16:31

yes! Yes! Finally! The world needs this!!!

March 4th, 2014, 17:29
The hype intensifies


March 4th, 2014, 20:09
The world is now saved, 2.1 is finally going to be released!

March 4th, 2014, 21:46
I was even exceptin that Inuyasha's grandchildren would release the first version of 2.1.X! I'm amazed.

Critical Dude
March 4th, 2014, 21:53
Lol, I like the gifs used on this page. But Sky: "SRB2 2.1 slated to be released in two weeks".
I know that there's a SRB2 2.1 stated somewhere but not 'slated'... (huehuehue)

March 4th, 2014, 22:51
It'll be funny if he lied and was actually 5 weeks.
But yeah, can't wait.

March 5th, 2014, 05:50


March 6th, 2014, 17:51
My Excitement Level:

March 10th, 2014, 13:27
Made a countdown, based for 2 weeks after D00D64's original post. set for 3AM EST (because I just have a feeling that is when it will happen), and the location is set for Virginia, since that is apparently where Mystic is according to his title card thing on the MB.

LINK (http://www.timeanddate.com/countdown/generic?iso=20140318T03&p0=904&msg=SRB2+2.1&csz=1&swk=1)

May or maynot try to get an image version.

March 11th, 2014, 21:09
What are the characters playable at the start besides sonic and tails.

March 11th, 2014, 22:05
What are the characters playable at the start besides sonic and tails.
I am going to guess the Chuckles version of Knuckles, since the original one is terrible by all means.

March 11th, 2014, 22:40
What are the characters playable at the start besides sonic and tails.
MotorRoach's Knuckles character wad, Chuckles, is going to be replacing the current Knuckles.

March 12th, 2014, 00:33
MotorRoach's Knuckles character wad, Chuckles, is going to be replacing the current Knuckles.

Isn't Chuckles being slightly tweaked for it? I can't remember it very well but I swore I had saw some minor animation changes.

March 12th, 2014, 12:52
Preview of what you could do with Lua:


Pretty awesome.

Steel Titanium
March 12th, 2014, 23:56
More 2.1 updates:

<@Rob> We just have to finalize the wads
<@SpiritCrusher> Damnit, my exclusive information only lasted a day :<
<@Rob> And hope Alam can get the OpenGL changes in last minute
<Iceman404> SRB2 this saturday
<@SpiritCrusher> And hope he breaks something so you can have the obligatory one-hour hotfix
<Iceman404> even if it's finished EARLY
<Zipper> WELL THEN
<@Rob> We are aiming for Saturday. If we can do it on Friday or if for some reason we have to wait, we will do it Sunday
<Iceman404> release saturday
<@Rob> Expect it this weekend
<@Rob> At some point
<Iceman404> weekend is the only time you can release
<Iceman404> because the hype will be HUGE and your servers will go boom!
<@SpiritCrusher> I have an exam next Tuesday
<@Rob> We'll be releasing on torrents initially
<@SpiritCrusher> Something tells me I might not pass it...
<@Rob> A direct download will go up after
<@Rob> Like
<@Rob> A few days or something
<@Rob> We want the bulk of the traffic to NOT kill the servers

Sryder13 created some new fixes for OpenGL and they're planned to be added into SRB2 now.

The delaying 2.1 thing was a joke. Rob was kidding. KIDDING.

Demnyx Onyxfur
March 13th, 2014, 00:04
Finally OpenGL fixes..

March 14th, 2014, 00:12
http://rack.2.mshcdn.com/media/ZgkyMDEzLzA3LzA1LzgzL1RoZU9mZmljZS42NjIzMS5naWYKcA l0aHVtYgkxMjAweDk2MDA-/0352c94a/421/The-Office.gif


March 15th, 2014, 17:02
My Excitement Level:
Agreed, I'm also LITTERALLY exited! :D:hurry::ftw: