View Full Version : Christmas and other holidays

December 2nd, 2015, 06:22
It's December now, so as a way to encourage discussion why not share some traditions you and your family's might do this time of year?

I personally don't do much this time of year, but within the next few years I might try to make up some kind of Xmas tradition with my friends.

Demnyx Onyxfur
December 2nd, 2015, 23:15
We don't really do much here.. It's the usual "sit in on the sofa/chairs and open gifts" sort of thing.

December 3rd, 2015, 08:26
Damn school for 3 more weeks, getting the first school general rank, getting pwned if any teacher remark is "bad". ...Oh and there's also Christmas, er, yeah, I'll go myself buy a new PC, and Happy New Year... huh... nothing in particular.

December 9th, 2015, 18:46
1 week and finally little rest! I had tons of matches at Basketball and belive me, I got exhausted every time. After I finished a match, I go to home and nothing but a looooong rest because, next day I'll have training for another match. I actually don't care about school anymore. I got good grades everytime. I got another job related on Graphic Design. Im doing things for NIKE again. About Christmas break, I will go outside and play srb2 or hanging out with my girlfriend. I will buy a new phone (OnePlus X) and after Christmas, I go to the Mountains for snowboarding. I think that's all... For sure... I don't know...

December 9th, 2015, 22:39
That sounds like some very interesting plans you have indeed

December 13th, 2015, 21:49
I know I am not the only one who goes out late night Christmas Eve to check out how many presents you had under the tree, I always did that in the past.

December 19th, 2015, 05:00
Family,Laziness,Food and just chilling��