Whether you were in a 1v10 and you managed to beat the other 10, or perhaps your time made it on the Official Time Attack Record board, or maybe your map won some OLDC category, whatever the case maybe, post any of your favorite past Srb2 memories here. They can be anything that you found very memorable or interesting. It doesn't have to be directly related to the game Srb2, just as long as it has to do something with Srb2.

Here are some of my own:
1. When I first began playing Srb2, I certain fellow came up to me an offered me to be an Administrator for his Srb2 Website. I said sure why not, and so I became the adminstrator of this website:http://srb2core.webs.com/
Maybe some of you remember it, maybe not, whatever the case maybe, this was one of my first hangout websites for Srb2 stuff and such.
2. It was only a year later when I met Sonic Jr and the entire gang and we began a little project of ours called the Srb2 Remake Mod. Haha, we never finished it, but at that time we certainly had hope that we one day would. Here's the website for it:http://srb2remake.webs.com/
3. At that time there were tons of Clans. The Echidnas were being led by Fists, but one day I met a person who went by the name EternallyAries. At first we hated each other, but soon we started getting along, and so after some thinking, Aries created the XClan. Amazingly the website still stands as well:http://xclan.createmybb3.com/index.php
We had 2 of them by the way:http://xclan.createaforum.com/index.php
4. It was some time after that the clan broke up and me, Lumen, and MTP decided to create a new clan replacing Aries' clan. The Exitium Clan. Unfortunately the idea failed miserably. The links to the site still exist, but they can no longer be viewed since they are archived:http://exitiumclan.createmybb3.com/
5. It was some time after that where most of my friendship strands were severed between Jr and his gang. They went off and started their own works and this is what they came up with:http://powershards.webs.com/
6. Around this time I encounted a player called Ultra Sonic. Now this player was getting on my nerves for some reason and so I decided to make him ragequit. What ended up happening was something far more hilarious. If you download and read this log, you'll get a look at some of the old players you may have forgotten as well, and you'll also read this funny story :http://www.mediafire.com/view/?2gn0azx292sdt0g

Well that's it for that. I may add separate stories in different posts later on. I encourage all of you to post your own too! It's fun to go back through memories especially those having to do with Srb2!