Hello, my name is Renderer, and as almost everyone on this forum, I am a huge fan of Sonic, especially SRB2. I'm 15 years old and I'm in the state of Ohio. While I'm not on SRB2, I play games like Minecraft, Team Fortress 2, etc. I also run a YouTube channel under the handle of HeroSteve6070. I'm trying to make this completely short, so long-story short, I've been around SRB2 since 1.09.4 to the present 2.1.11, which I met sethseth6 on my RP server that I hold, which led to us becoming Skype friends.
I would like to thank Sky the Destroyer for helping me get my email to work on this account due to the spambot issue on AOL Mail, and Sonic Team Junior for changing my life with SRB2. Thanks, and have a nice day/night.