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Thread: The Emerald Isles for 2.1

    1. The Emerald Isles for 2.1 Details »

      The Emerald Isles for 2.1

      Version: 1.0, by (Banned) Duon Adventurer is offline
      Developer Last Online: Mar 2017
      Category: [Level Pack] SRB2 Version: v2.1.x   Rating: 
      Submitted: April 5th, 2015  
      WAD File Level(s)

      The Emerald Isles, also what I like to call: "Sonic 3 And Knuckles: The Emerald Isles"

      This mod was originally made by Kuja, who has moved on from this old level pack from 2.0. This Level pack handles differently than any other mod in SRB2.

      The main goal is to obtain all 7 Chaos Emeralds by exploring through 6 other levels and beating the bosses. You will be spawned in Kuja's "scrapped" hub world, where you can choose one of the six stages. You can go after the special stages in the levels, which are MUCH MORE HARDER THAN IT SEEMS. There are also rewards like the ability to access the six special stages, as well as one I cannot spoil There is also a race stage and a Match Stage for those that aren't in the mood for co-op.

      Thanks to Kuja for the permission to port this mod.
      Thanks to 'Lat' for the AMT Crawlas.
      Thanks to Xkower8181 for the EMT Crawla Boss.

      Update: AMT Crawlas are beginning to invade some of the levels! They are now replacing the simple blue Crawlas. An unknown robot has appeared amongst the robots of Shale Village!



      Additional Notes

      • Please be mindful of using other people's works. If the modification is not marked as "Re-usable Content", ask the developer for permission before using their work in your mod.

  1. #2
    Join Date
    December 22nd, 2010
    I love this update! The hub is kind of empty to me, but it works well. Welcome to releases!

    Husbando to a special kitty~♥

  2. #3
    Join Date
    February 14th, 2015


    a level i like it but cant you put it in zip or rar because 26.4mb is a little big.

  3. #4
    Join Date
    May 31st, 2014
    If uploading large files here wasn't such a nightmare, I would use a rar...

  4. #5
    Join Date
    March 16th, 2012
    I'm at soup
    1. Like suggested above, try to compress the file in WinZIP or WinRAR if possible.

    2. Upload a couple screenshots

  5. #6
    Join Date
    February 14th, 2015
    great from 26.4MB to 14.1MB and the screenshots look awesome gotta try this,
    and theris also a match and race maps,and the AMT and EMT are good too so now it should be hard.

  6. #7
    Join Date
    December 22nd, 2010
    I like the concept of the Special Stages. Is there a way to keep the special stages like that without getting the emerald when you get the required ring count?

    Husbando to a special kitty~♥

  7. #8
    Join Date
    May 31st, 2014
    Originally, the special stages required you to get the amount, come up to the door with the required ring amount, wait for the door to open, nab the emerald, and then quit and move on, but because these special stage exits cannot be changed, I just instead made it a classic 2.0 stage and just grab the emerald. I could set the amount to the amount of rings in the special stages, but meh... I'm not sure. Also these special stages were way too punishing to make the core mission of the mod easy.

  8. #9
    Join Date
    March 3rd, 2013
    In France, I believe.
    ...You know what?~
    This morning, instead of going to Steam, clicking Team Fortress 2, and getting a 20> killstreak with my Sentry, I'm gonna play this, because of memories.
    Also we must stop AMT Crawlas before they reach their TRUE POWER! (Actually, they lost it, they were able to snipe you from REALLY far and were firing missiles every 0,5 second.)

    EDIT: So far so good, I still enjoyed Blaze Canyon 2 as much as I did back in 2.0
    Now about the emerald system, you should make emerald checks in your HUB world, making some levels accesible only with x emeralds collected, even if that would require a bit of Lua. Also, remove the "transitions" at the end of bosses level, just make the level end normally, because this looks akward to be teleported back to the HUB when you finish the level in a Blaze Canyon-ish section.
    I promise I'm finishing this for this afternoon (After doing THINGS with Sylveon, for sure.).
    Steam ID: Nymphali Festif | SRB2 Nickname: Lat' | Skype: superrainboom
    > "I'm a boy. What? You're laughing? ...Bitches, please, I'M FABULOUS! "

  9. #10
    Join Date
    May 31st, 2014
    Thanks for the response!, although I'm really going to need help with handling the emerald checks, that being said, the reason the exit transitions were left behind were because I need a place to hide the emeralds. And I am horrible at editing levels...

    Also sorry about playing the latest version, because the mod has just gotten an update! Truly, the most of the changes were to polish a few things, and new pictures will be uploaded to support the new changes.

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