Everybody knows this clan (No doubt). I am one of the founders of this clan (I and Axiom founded this clan). Let me introduce the clan and server. Clan AVP is a competitive match and ctf clan only in SRB2, the clan was founded in 2014. Server is hosted by *Icefox*avp* (yeah me). Right now, Clan AVP is the most strongest clan in srb2.
How to join in the clan:
Just, go in Clan AVP server and ask one of the admins if you want to join. The respective admin which you asked, the admin must test your skills if you are good enough to join the clan. You can ask here too.
Decent srb2 player at ctf and match
Decent speed
A good dodger
Must know how to use usefully ring weapons.
Name: ~Clan Avp Server~
Wads: Terminal plugin and Skylua
Gametypes: Ctf and Match
Fun Gametypes: Coop, Race, Tag and Hide and Seek (When is boring in ctf or match)
Room: Standard
Time: Eastern European Time UTC +2:00
1. No excesive cursing, trolling or fooling
2. Respect the admins
3. Don't ask the admins to add wads. They will add what they like
4. No excesive verbal fight
5. If I or other admins give you permission to be admin in serv, don't abuse it
6. No cheats, Hacks (only in fun gametypes you can cheat)
7. No porn and explicit content
8. Anime discussion is allowed
9. Don't Spam or having sex with keyboard in clan server
10. Enjoy in clan server!
If you don't respect those rules, you will be banned for 2-3 days.
So... What are you waiting for? JOIN!
If you want to grow your skillz, join us!![]()