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Thread: A 20% Cooler Introduction!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    July 24th, 2020
    Castle of Friendship (Cloudsdale sometimes too)

    A 20% Cooler Introduction!

    Aw yeah, hey there everyone! My name is Rainbow Dash, the one and only, from Cloudsdale! I found out about this site, when I was searching the EquestriaNet, and decided to make a account here, since I love to play Sonic Robo Blast 2 as me!

    Jk everyone. I am not the real Rainbow Dash after all, but I like to do so for fun, and since her name wasn't taken already. I joined here so I can talk with others, chat in threads, and because I love SRB2 (I play it mostly nowadays with MLP Wads, mainly the Rainbow Dash Wad). As you can see, I am a huge brony (Became a brony earlier this year), and I love Rainbow Dash so much (MLP gave and gives me so much happiness x3), and I know that fans of other franchises or etc, don't or used to not tend to get along well with bronies, but regardless of if I get assaulted for being a brony, I came here to socalize with people here, and since like I said, I play SRB2 (not as often as before, but I still play it though)

    I can't wait to talk with all of you awesome people!

    Cute RD front.png
    ​Just because your awake, doesn't mean you can't Dream.
    Aim high, kid. But don't aim for the impossible.
    But no matter what, you will always be Awesome.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    March 16th, 2012
    I'm at soup
    This is a pretty quiet place, but a welcome to you all the same.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 12th, 2020
    Glad to find another brony here, have a very warm welcome and enjoy your stay !

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