A 20% Cooler Introduction!
Aw yeah, hey there everyone! My name is Rainbow Dash, the one and only, from Cloudsdale! I found out about this site, when I was searching the EquestriaNet, and decided to make a account here, since I love to play Sonic Robo Blast 2 as me!
Jk everyone. I am not the real Rainbow Dash after all, but I like to do so for fun, and since her name wasn't taken already. I joined here so I can talk with others, chat in threads, and because I love SRB2 (I play it mostly nowadays with MLP Wads, mainly the Rainbow Dash Wad). As you can see, I am a huge brony (Became a brony earlier this year), and I love Rainbow Dash so much (MLP gave and gives me so much happiness x3), and I know that fans of other franchises or etc, don't or used to not tend to get along well with bronies, but regardless of if I get assaulted for being a brony, I came here to socalize with people here, and since like I said, I play SRB2 (not as often as before, but I still play it though)
I can't wait to talk with all of you awesome people!
Cute RD front.png
Just because your awake, doesn't mean you can't Dream.
Aim high, kid. But don't aim for the impossible.
But no matter what, you will always be Awesome.